Green House Feeding - Booster PK+

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Booster PK+

NPK: 0-30-27

This additive is especially formulated to provide adequate amounts of Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and micronutrients to increase the resin production and the formation and density of flowers.

The combination of Green House Powder Feeding, Calcium and Booster creates very professional, plant-specific line of nutrients for healthy and productive plants.

We added extra magnesium and trace elements to our PK Booster to avoid that they limit the uptake of phosphorus and potassium if the ratios are not balanced.

Plants can only perform to their full genetic potential if all elements are sufficiently available.

Maximum Solubility: 2.0lb/gal or 250g/L water
Recommended amount for stock solution: 4oz/gal or 30g/L water

 Recommended dose per L of water:

  • 4th flowering week: 0.2-0.3 g (increase EC values by 0.5 mS)
  • 5th flowering week: 0.3-0.4 g (increase EC values by 1.0 mS)
  • 6th flowering week: 0.3-0.4 g (increase EC values by 1.5 mS)
  • 7th flowering week: 0.4-0.5 g (increase EC values by 2 mS) (last dose for indicas)
  • 8th flowering week: 0.4-0.5 g (increase EC values by 2 mS)
  • 9th flowering week: 0.4-0.5 g (increase EC values by 2 mS) (last dose for hybrids, afterwards, start with root flushing).
  • Keep this dose up for long-flowering sativa plants, stopping to flush the roots around two weeks before harvesting.

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