კანაფი (მარიხუანა) და მის შესახებ გავრცელებული არასწორი ფაქტები

Cannabis remains a topic of significant debate in society. During heated discussions, misinformation about the plant often spreads as fact. While marijuana is becoming increasingly normalized and legalized in various parts of the world, many misconceptions about this intriguing plant persist.

In this blog, we’ll explore what cannabis truly is, uncover its actual properties, and debunk common myths with evidence-based facts.

What is Cannabis (Marijuana)?

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a psychoactive plant that originates from Central and South Asia. Historically, it has been used for medicinal, recreational, and spiritual purposes.

In recent years, the stigma surrounding cannabis has begun to lift, driven by its legalization in numerous regions worldwide. However, in places like Georgia, cannabis remains a controversial subject, and misinformation about it continues to spread.

Cannabis contains various compounds known as cannabinoids, the most notable being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is responsible for the plant’s psychoactive effects, while CBD is non-psychoactive and is often associated with therapeutic benefits.

Common Misconceptions About Cannabis

Misconception: "Marijuana is Particularly Addictive"

Truth: While cannabis can be addictive for some individuals, its potential for addiction is significantly lower than substances like nicotine or alcohol.

Misconception: "All Marijuana Causes Intoxication"

Truth: Not all cannabis causes intoxication. THC is the compound responsible for psychoactive effects, whereas CBD does not produce a “high.” Strains high in CBD and low in THC are known for their therapeutic benefits without causing intoxication.

Misconception: "Cannabis Has No Medicinal Properties"

Truth: Cannabis has been used medicinally for centuries. Modern science has recognized its potential to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain and epilepsy. The FDA has even approved medications containing cannabinoids for specific medical purposes.

Misconception: "Marijuana Kills Brain Cells"

Truth: The notion that marijuana kills brain cells is a long-standing myth. Research indicates that cannabis, particularly CBD, may have neuroprotective properties. However, heavy and prolonged use, especially during adolescence, may impact cognitive development.

Misconception: "It Leads to Hard Drug Use"

Truth: The theory that cannabis use inevitably leads to harder drug use has been debunked. Studies show no causal link between marijuana and other drugs. Factors such as environment and social circumstances play a much larger role in the use of harder substances.

Misconception: "Marijuana Always Impairs Function"

Truth: While cannabis can impair cognitive and motor functions, the effects vary between individuals. Factors such as consumption method, strain, and individual tolerance all play a role. Many people use cannabis without any significant impact on their daily lives.

Misconception: "Cannabis is Always Smoked"

Truth: The stereotype of cannabis being solely smoked is outdated. Today, there are numerous ways to consume cannabis, including edibles, tinctures, vaporizers, and more.

Cannabis in Georgia

As mentioned, cannabis remains a controversial topic in Georgia. While much of the modern world is moving toward not only legalizing marijuana but also harnessing its numerous benefits, cannabis in Georgia is still often viewed as taboo.


The world of cannabis is vast and continuously evolving. Staying informed, curious, and respectful in discussions about cannabis is crucial. By dispelling myths and understanding the facts, we can engage in more meaningful and constructive conversations about this complex and fascinating plant.

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johni depp

johni depp

გამარჯობა, იმ ჩამონთვალში ერთს ნაღდათ არ ვეთანხმები, პირადათ მე ვარ მაგ დღეში 4 თვე ყოველ დღე ვეწეოდი ძილის წინ, ძილის პრობლემა მქონდა.ზუსტად ეგ მითხრეს რომ “ლომკა” არ ააქვს” როგორ არაააქვს, შეცდომაში ნუ შეგყავთ ახალგაზდები. მე წლები ვეწეოდი დალოცვილ ქართულ ქეშს და არასოდეს არ მიგრძვნია დამოკიდებულება, და რაც ეს დედა….. ჰიბრიდები და 23 + THC შემოიყარა, ჩემი აზრით და ჩემი სამეგობროს აზრით ნარკოტიკია. ეხლა
ვნატრულობ ნეტავ ისევ მარტო ძილის პრობლემა მქონოდა და ეს არ ამეკიდა: ოფლიანობა ციებ ცხელება, საშინელი ხასიათი ისეთი რომ სიცოცხლე გეზიზღება, თითქოს რო უნდა ჩაგეძინოს შარდი არ გასვენებს, მთელი ღამე გარბენინებს ტუალეტში. მეტი რაღაა დამოკიდებულობა “ ლომკა” ??? წინაზე 23 დღე მაწვალა, 1 წელი გადაგდებული მქონდა, ეხლა ბოლო 3-4 თვე ისევ შემომეპარა და ვტანჯულობ, რამე თუ გააქვთ გადასაგდები ამ ლომკის იაფი რომ ღირდეს მომწერეთ. ზეთი შველის ვიცი მარა ფასები აქვს ისეთი რომ ცოტაც რო დავამატო კაი გაკეთებულ ადინაცატს ვიყიდი )) მეგობრებო იცოდეთ შესვენების გაკეთება. წარმატებები ყველს!!!

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